Fundraising Checklist

Fundraising today for their tomorrow!

Suggested Best Practices

Here are your basic steps to a successful fundraiser. If you haven't had a fundraiser yet, there's no better time to start than now! If you have any questions about the fundraising process, feel free to contact us via phone, email or our contact form.


The Basics

  • Set an earnings goal for your fundraiser.
  • If you are running a required participation fundrtaiser determine the price.
  • Calculate the number of sales necessary to meet your goal.
  • Decide upon a start and end date. Typically no more than two weeks until your deadline.
  • Advertise your fundraiser while stressing the importance of the fundraiser for your school.
  • Distribute a Student Order Form to each child.
  • Collect order forms and monies.
  • Tally orders and double check dollar amounts.
  • Fax back your completed School Order Form including all totals.
  • Check your shipment and distribute the software bundles to students.